Crystal balls

I turned 28 on Saturday and I must say that it doesn't feel any differently than 27. I must also mention, that I did not drunk dial anyone like I thought I would. On that note, 28 is definitely looking up, like I'm 2 for 2 so far.

I was treated to a very thoughtful surprise party plotted and organized by my sister. Everyone that I cared about was there and that was all I could have asked for on my birthday. I had cake, and I drank Southern Comfort until my liver begged me to stop. It really was a good time. Seriously. But I won't lie, every time I stared in my shot glass I looked at my reflection thinking, another year that I'm single. God help me.

I officially put an end to things with J R which he didn't like too much and my instincts tell me that Rocky is only interested in me on a sexual level. I don't even know where to go from here. Do I give up on dating or do I just not be so aggressive?I'm so sick of how I feel sometimes. Not ever knowing. Go with the flow. What fucking flow? Smh. I am grateful for the start of a new year but I just don't know shit about shit, and I'm definitely not the que sera sera type. I wish someone had thought to get me a crystal ball for my birthday though.

written on 06/09/2014 at 1:46 P.M.

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