Slow and steady

Oh mylanta.
My body hurts and I just want to go to sleep. For like...five days. One can only dream.

To sum up the moving experience, it went well. I got some unexpected but well appreciated help. Didn't have much of anything to move and I didn't plan for cable or internet to be installed until Tuesday, so I spent my post moving experience staring at my new four walls. It isn't as fun without cable but nonetheless it felt liberating. Sunday, I officially began roommating with Lugo (I know roommating is not a word, but I like it). But between Sunday and now I spent each day crying my eyes out. My space suddenly turned into 400 square feet of not-so-much-fun within the blink of an eye. I've been so aggravated because I haven't been sleeping and I've been letting out the aggression in the worst ways possible. Monday night I went to pick up the rest of Lugo's belongings that I had stored at my cousins. He was tired from not sleeping the day before so we never brought it up to the apartment. After sobbing for about an hour I decided I needed some fresh air and something to do other than crying, so I went out in my PJs and dragged a possibly 100 lb storage bin full of his shoes up four flights of stairs into the apartment. My back has been hurting since. Seriously. Anger and adrenaline rushes are for more fun and exciting things, like lifting cars off of babies. Not for lifting men's shoes.

In the meanwhile, living with Lugo has been interesting. I had an appointment scheduled for yesterday for the cable/internet company to install everything but Lugo took a Melatonin at noon and slept through the doorbell buzzing. I texted and called him when the dispatcher called me to say they were outside the building but he never answered. I assumed he had woken up, but I learned different as soon as I got into the apartment. He was dead. Well, dead asleep, but he looked close to dead when I peeked at him. I felt for the kid because I was up sobbing, you would have thought someone really died the way I was crying so I understood him sleeping through the bell but he delayed his job search a day longer. He could have been doing job searching and filling out applications today. But Lugo is Lugo and he does what he does. I'm at work, and he's home bored. It's going to get old really fast. And that will be on him.

The weather has put a damper on things, well the weather, and the lack of funds in my bank account. But I'm not going to be negative about it. That's right, I said it, I'm not going to be negative about it. I will never willingly swallow another pill of unhappiness again. It may be new, but it's what I wanted.

written on 02/19/2014 at 2:44 P.M.

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