Real hard

I'm a bum magnet, plain & simple. My self esteem is so low that any type of attention is automatically given value when I should be disregarding it, and letting actions speak for themselves. I know better, and as the saying goes, when you know better, you do better. A lot of the men I have been dealing with have nothing to offer me. They can't take me out on a decent date and if they do, they want to come right back to my place afterwards and why would you want to go to a woman's place after a date unless you have other intentions? If they don't want to work for my hand, then they aren't worth being in my bed, being anywhere next to me for that fact. I know that much.

I am a terrible cook, this I knew, but I didn't realize how terrible I really am. Last night after I came home from working the store, I decided that cooking dinner would be my best bet since I'd have to put my last $15 in my tank until Wednesday. Everything was frozen so I ended up making myself breakfast for dinner. Sausages and an egg and cheese sandwich. I was trying to cupcake on the phone with someone and I made the fire detector go off and burned my sunnyside up eggs. How do you burn sunnyside up eggs? I have really got to focus on something other than these guys. Seriously. They are draining me of my common sense, or am I letting them take that from my garden? SMH.

In the meantime, I have discarded three more not-so-potentials. So maybe I am on my way to getting my act together. I don't know how players do it, but this shit is REAL. REAL HARD. How can you juggle? All I keep thinking if all of the guys I have been dating will find out about each other. The art of being single and dating is a lot more treacherous than I thought.

written on 05/05/2014 at 8:47 A.M.

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